Background Profiles
Get a true report of any person or business that you associate with.
Be sure those you trust in your business and personal life have your best interests in mind. Hire a professional private investigator to build a Profile on any person or business.
We take an in-depth look into the history and current status of any person or business. If information exists, we’ll find it!
Our background profiles go beyond the typical background “check” that simply finds limited public information in a single database. Our work involves analysis from records in hundreds of databases, unique sources of intel, extensive deep web searches, discreet or overt inquiries, and our methods that we’ve developed in more than 25 years of work. And your report is custom-written based on your situation.
One of our Private Investigators will be assigned to work on your case. They will take that time to understand what you already know and what you hope to learn from the resulting report.
Background checks are used to determine and verify the accuracy of information, which makes them imperative to every case we work at PHENIX Investigations. These are important for when you need to be sure that you’re not making a risky decision or placing your trust in the wrong person. Whether you’re trying to avoid losses or liabilities, our team conducts in-depth, professional background checks to help you see the full picture clearly.
If you’re looking for help with a challenging case, consider reaching out to us at PHENIX Investigations, Inc. We’ll work with you to gain the information you need, while maintaining the utmost confidentiality.
“How well do you know the people you trust and the businesses you work with?”
Any Questions?
Our Expert P.I.’s Are Ready To Help
FAQ’s About Background Profiles
Q: Can anyone hire PHENIX to perform a Background Profile?
A: Yes. Anyone can hire PHENIX. We will ask what the purpose is, for our own compliance tracking.
Q: Can these reports be used in court?
A: Yes. If your situation involves a legal case, all of our reports are courtroom-ready.
Q: Does every report have the same type of information?
A: No. Your situation will determine what information we focus on. We don’t want to give you a report that has facts you don’t care about. We treat every client as a unique situation. Your report will reflect our findings in a way that helps support your case.
Q: Can employers hire PHENIX for pre-employment backgrounds?
A: If you are using our reports for hiring or promotion, you will be required to obtain pre-authorization from the employee. Certain laws require you to inform them that the information might be used in your decision to hire/promote them. They are also entitled to request a copy of the background report. Our reports may limit the information we provide, based on the purpose.
Q: What type of clients does PHENIX work with?
A: The PHENIX name has been trusted by hundreds of recognized national and global brands. We've also worked for thousands of smaller companies, professionals, and everyday citizens.